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Lamb, Sheep, & Goat

135 products

  • Cubeta de tres tetinas

    Cubeta de tres tetinas

    El cubo alimentador de corderos con 3 tetinas proporciona una forma fácil de alimentar a los corderos. - Cubo de plástico con asa de metal - Tetinas de repuesto, y las válvulas están disponibles por separado.


  • Sale -11% Pintura en spray para ganado All-Weather ® Quik Shot®.

    Pintura en spray para ganado All-Weather ® Quik Shot®.

    4 in stock

     All-Weather® Quik Shot® Inverted Aerosol Marking Spray provides a fast and economical way to mark dairy and beef cattle. Available in high-visibility colors that are long lasting and easily seen on all colors of cattle. The special water-based paint formula is quick drying and long lasting. Clean to use with no waste Fast-drying paint for longer lasting identification on animals Non-toxic, safe for all livestock Available in upright or inverted spray cans V.O.C. compliant Made in the U.S.A. by All-Weather. *This item is regulated as a chemical and does not qualify for Free Shipping.  ‍

    4 in stock

    $8.99 $7.99

  • Vendas Cohesivas

    Vendas Cohesivas

    Proteja heridas quirúrgicas, cortes, rasguños y contusiones mientras se curan con las vendas autoadhesivas para veterinarios de IVS. Nuestro tejido ligero es transpirable, se estira, comprime sin constreñir y se mantiene en su sitio. Estas vendas son muy duraderas, lo que significa que utilizará menos material por rollo. Compare con la competencia - creemos que estará de acuerdo - ¡no todas las vendas son iguales! Estas vendas son mucho mejores que las vendas no adhesivas porque son autoadhesivas, y no son propensas a deshacerse y despegarse. Las vendas autoadhesivas para veterinarios no necesitan adhesivos irritantes ni alfileres y no se adhieren a otras superficies como el pelo o la piel. No se afloja con el sudor o el agua. Funciona muy bien en todos los animales: caballos, ganado, animales pequeños y mascotas. Venda ayuda a proteger el paquete de vendaje, aliviar la hinchazón y promover la curación. Es una opción ideal para la tensión y el esguince. También se puede utilizar para envolver heridas de mascotas. Materiales suaves y transpirables - Los materiales porosos y ligeros pueden hacer respirar la zona lesionada, lo que favorece la curación y la recuperación. Amplia gama de usos - Hecho de material no tejido, transpirable, ligero, suave, menos irritante para la piel adecuado para partes del cuerpo, como tobillos, piernas, patas, etc. Estas vendas veterinarias autoadhesivas de primera calidad son resistentes a la abrasión y al desgarro, incluso con animales activos. I Con una adherencia superior, esta venda es resistente al sudor y al agua, pero aún así es fácil de retirar y no se pega a la piel ni al pelo. Cómodo y fácil de usar, se puede rasgar a mano recto y limpio, por lo que no necesita tijeras. Disponible en varios colores. Autoadhesivo: aplicación rápida y sencilla. Disponible en varios colores. Se rasga con la mano, sin necesidad de tijeras. Proporciona una compresión ligera y se adhiere a sí mismo sin pegarse a la herida. Permite que la piel respire y no irrita. Cada rollo es de 4˝ x 5 yds de material extensible. Se vende individualmente. Precio normal: 1,40 $ por rollo; si compra 36 (2 cajas) o más, el precio es de 1,20 $ por rollo. ‍

  • Udder Infusion Cannula

    Udder Infusion Cannula

    Diseñado para inyectar soluciones en la ubre a través del canal del pezón Extremo cónico con doble abertura para facilitar la inserción sin desgarrar Se vende en 3 paquetes *Debido a las regulaciones de licencias del estado de California, este producto no puede ser enviado a California.

  • Cortador de cascos

    Cortador de cascos

    The quality of a hoof cutter is paramount for the effective and safe trimming of animal hooves. The High-quality of our hoof cutters are designed to be sharp, durable, and comfortable to handle. They are essential tools for maintaining the hoof health of livestock such as cattle, goats, and horses. Proper hoof trimming is crucial as it prevents lameness, promotes good hoof health, and enhances animal welfare. For instance, in bovines, regular trimming can prevent conditions like overgrown hooves, cracks, and infections, which are detrimental to the animals' mobility and productivity. Similarly, for goats, using the right hoof trimmer, whether electric or manual, ensures the trimming process is hassle-free and prevents hoof rot and other bacterial foot diseases. In horses, the correct size and type of hoof nipper can provide more leverage and precision, especially for different horse breeds and hoof conditions. Therefore, selecting the right hoof cutter tailored to the specific needs of the livestock and the handler's comfort can significantly contribute to the overall health and well-being of the animals. Multi-purpose, heavy duty hoof trimmer, ideal for: cattle, sheep, horses, etc. Minimize effort with this double-action compound joint. Heavy-duty Carbon Steel Alloy. Length: 16.4˝ / 41 cm. ‍


  • Tetinas de repuesto para cubetas, Pk 3

    Tetinas de repuesto para cubetas, Pk 3

    Utilícelo con el cubo alimentador para corderos.Las resistentes tetinas de goma rojas son la mejor opción para los corderos de más de 2 semanas de edad.


  • Crema para ubre - Tubo de 500ML con 35% de aceite puro de menta japonesa

    Crema para ubre - Tubo de 500ML con 35% de aceite puro de menta japonesa

    El ingrediente activo es el 35% de aceite puro de menta japonesa, bien conocido por su excelente calidad, pureza y propiedades curativas. Aumenta la circulación sanguínea, reduce la inflamación y es seguro, suave y no graso. Contiene lanolina. Libre de antibióticos, totalmente natural, el aceite de menta ayuda en cualquier tratamiento necesario para resolver la sequedad de la ubre mejorando la salud de la misma. El aceite de menta también es conocido por funcionar muy bien en las articulaciones inflamadas Mango para facilitar el transporte con tubo de 500 ml con gancho Similar a Derma Mint


  • Pinza de castración

    Pinza de castración

    Bloodless castrators are a significant advancement in the field of veterinary medicine, offering a less invasive method for castrating farm animals such as cattle and sheep. These devices work by crushing the spermatic cords without breaking the skin, which not only reduces the risk of infection due to the absence of an open wound but also minimizes the animal's discomfort during the procedure. The process is considered 'bloodless' because it does not involve cutting and is therefore associated with a lower risk of bleeding and other complications. The Burdizzo Castrator, have been developed to cater to different sizes and breeds of animals. The quality of these instruments is crucial, as they must apply consistent pressure to effectively interrupt blood flow to the scrotum and ensure a successful castration. Proper use of these tools requires training and understanding of the animal's anatomy to avoid incomplete castration or unnecessary harm. The benefits of using bloodless castrators include a quicker recovery time for the animal and a more straightforward procedure for the operator. However, it is essential to follow up with appropriate care and monitor the animals for any signs of complications post-procedure Bloodless castration is used primarily on cattle and sheep. Because an incision is not required in bloodless castration, there is lower risk of infection.  These tools crush the testicular cord without breaking the skin.  Available in 9˝, 14˝, 16˝ and 19˝ sizes. ‍

    $35.30 - $67.50

  • Vendas cohesivas 2˝ x 5yds

    Vendas cohesivas 2˝ x 5yds

    Proteja las heridas quirúrgicas, los cortes, los rasguños y las contusiones mientras se curan con los vendajes cohesivos autoadherentes de IVS. Nuestro tejido ligero es transpirable, se estira, comprime sin constreñir y se mantiene en su sitio. Estas vendas son muy duraderas, lo que significa que utilizará menos material por rollo. Compare con la competencia - creemos que estará de acuerdo - ¡no todas las vendas son iguales! Autoadhesivas: aplicación rápida y fácil. Disponible en varios colores. Se rompe con la mano, sin necesidad de tijeras. Proporciona una compresión ligera y se adhiere a sí misma sin pegarse a la herida. Permite que la piel respire y no irrita. Cada rollo es de 2˝ x 5 yardas de material extensible. Se vende individualmente. Regularmente $1.20 por rollo.

  • Válvula de repuesto para cubetas

    Válvula de repuesto para cubetas

    Este kit de válvula de repuesto viene con junta.Se adapta al cubo para terneros IVS y al cubo alimentador para corderos IVS (se venden por separado).


  • Abrebocas de Acero inoxidable

    Abrebocas de Acero inoxidable

    Animal mouth gags are essential tools in veterinary medicine, particularly designed for oral examinations and procedures. Crafted from high-grade stainless steel, these gags are valued for their durability and resistance to corrosion, ensuring they can withstand repeated sterilization processes. The spring-loaded mechanism is a common feature that aids in maintaining the mouth open during procedures, which is crucial for treatments or examinations involving the mouth, gums, teeth, or tongue. The quality of these instruments is critical as they must be reliable, easy to clean, and safe for both the animal and the veterinarian. With a variety of sizes available, they cater to different animal breeds, ensuring a proper fit and preventing undue stress or injury. Reusable and designed for longevity, stainless steel animal mouth gags represent a combination of functionality and quality, making them a staple in veterinary practices. Oral procedures often include dental cleanings, where tartar and plaque are removed from an animal's teeth, and oral surgeries, such as the extraction of damaged or decayed teeth. They are also utilized during endotracheal intubation to keep the animal's airway open during anesthesia. In more complex cases, mouth gags aid in the treatment of oral injuries or diseases, such as repairing a broken jaw or removing oral tumors. It's important to note that while these tools are indispensable, their use must be carefully managed to avoid potential complications like reduced blood flow or nerve damage, especially when using spring-loaded type FEATURES• Premium quality Stainless Steel construction: forged from corrosion-resistant stainless steel for the highest quality and value.• High mirror-polished finish can be ultrasonically cleaned and will not tarnish.• Hygienic and : Easy to sterilize and fully autoclavable without fear of degradation. An eco-friendly and hygienic addition to any veterinary clinic or hospital.• Mouth Gag is easy to apply and remove.• Spring action and nylon inserts for less trauma.• 3 Sizes : Xtra Small, Small and Medium ‍

    $7.44 - $11.50

  • Descornador Junior Convexo

    Descornador Junior Convexo

    The Convex Junior Dehorner is a specialized tool designed for dehorning young calves and goats. It is praised for its simplicity and effectiveness, providing a clean cut with minimal stress to the animal. The tool features a single knife aided by a buffer plate forming the lower jaw, which facilitates the entire cutting job. This design allows for the knife to be easily removed and replaced during operation, ensuring a smooth dehorning process. It is not recommended for tipping horns on larger animals due to its size and cutting capacity. The Convex Junior Dehorner is recognized for its quality construction and ease of use, making it a standard choice for farmers and veterinarians when handling young livestock. To properly use the Convex Junior Dehorner, it is essential to follow a few key steps to ensure the safety and well-being of the animal. First, the calf should be restrained appropriately to prevent movement during the procedure. Locate the horn bud and position the dehorner so that the tip of the horn bud is centered in the device. Apply firm pressure and rotate the dehorner back and forth until it cuts through the skin layer, making sure to free the skin completely around the horn for a full 360 degrees. After the horn is removed, it is important to cauterize the blood vessels to prevent bleeding and apply a blood stop powder. If the procedure is performed during fly season, applying fly spray is also recommended to protect the wound. Always ensure that the dehorner is at the proper temperature before use and consider pain management practices, such as using local anesthesia or anti-inflammatory drugs, to minimize discomfort for the animal The standard for dehorning large animals, goats and young calves up to 8 months. Simple operation makes it easy to handle, yet powerful enough to provide a fast, clean cut. Wood handles. Length 26.˝ Maximum blade opening of 1 1/4. " Gear driven blade cuts against fixed blade for double cutting action. Special Order ‍



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